©2023 A Hutt
Angels are immortal and never have the need to sleep nor eat.
They can float effortlessly in the air, teleport instantaneously and summon lightning weaponry at will. Their power is gathered through their wings, which are revealed when in use and otherwise invisible and impalpable. Showing their wings equates to an exhibition of power, a threat.
Each Angel has a personal strength that is unique to the individual's wingspan. The wings also contain a large amount of extra blood which gives Angels a high rate of survival from hemorrhaging wounds.
When seriously injured, an Angel's wings will forcibly appear. Loss of consciousness is the scariest thing that can possibly be done to them. It is inflicted through excessive bleeding, head trauma, poison or extreme pain and the result, if they awake from it, is a complete and irreversible loss of memory. A comatic Angel has no guarantee to wake up at anytime either. Some never awake from the slumber.
Far Past:
A story yet untold.
While Metatron was in power, he had the Dragon elders and leaders assassinated with the help of a few chosen Angels while the others were kept in the dark. He made up a plague to explain the deaths, calling the Diabolics a carrier of the disease. At that point, Angels were vigorously encouraging Dragons to expel and kill every Diabolic to be seen on land.
Present Times:
Metatron resigned from his position of leadership under the pressure of an alliance between Dragons and Diabolics. Constance took his place as the Source, a function that grants him the ability to pull Seraphon powers from a finite pool and redistribute it in controlled measures to individuals and structures alike, creating a hierarchy of power amongst them.
Distrustful of Metatron's intention and loyalty, Ravan hired this red-eyed guy at his court instead of his assigned Angel counselor. As it turns out, the supposedly Heytorian dude is an Angel in disguise. Selethriel is highly interested in the archival past and borderline obsessed with the amputated wing trophee exhibited in the temple in Tumpestre. He is also genuinely concerned about Ravan's safety but reports to Constance nonetheless. The Grainne doesn't know that she is after him.
Selethriel remembers what happened with Evadrion’s rebellion and is ennerved as much by Hydron as he is by the tension between Metatron and his competition in Constance.
His red eyes may be the result of a permanently bleeding injury, possibly caused by a Matterforged weapon.
Far Past:
Defining Quote:
“I think the Diabolics are a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously!”