7/29/2024 UPDATE:
The campaign for printing Volume II on Kickstarter will be launching mid September 2024!
Make sure to hit 'notify me on launch' to give it the best chances on launch.
Please subscribe to the Binge-reading Newsletter to be informed of anything Angels Power related and of when I upload pages next.
10/26/2023 UPDATE:
International shipping is back to the store.
Evadrion is an Angel and Angels never sleep. When they accidentally do, their memories are lost. She awakes, greeted by their leader who bathes her in half-truths. What if the dreadful Diabolics were really trying to help while Angels held the meanest secrets? Anything can happen in this world populated by sweet carnivorus horses, swift fluffsnakes and clueless shapeshifters who call themselves the Dragons.
©2023 A. Hutt